
A Day

Happy Birthday to Wyatt Harris.

Happy Early Birthday to Karly Callahan, who will be celebrating a birthday on Saturday. 

Happy Early Birthday to Dominic Taylor & Happy Early 1/2 Birthday to Kellyn Jones and Ethan Paulfrey who will all be celebrating birthdays on Sunday.

Happy Early Birthday to Ms. Sido & Ms. Denisha & Happy Early 1/2 Birthday to Charlie Shardan who will all be celebrating birthdays on Monday.  

Next Tuesday, January 16th's concession stand workers are Emily Oliver, Kaylee Bertoletti, Jonathon Orban, Brooke Pauley, and Edie Berry.  Please report to the concession stand at 3:00 and plan to be picked up at 5:30.  If you don't plan to go home right after school, please report to Mrs. Russell's room.  In the event that you would get a notification that school is canceled due to weather, there will be no concession stand for you to work.

The Junior High Winter Dance is scheduled for next Friday, January 19th.  There will be signs placed outside of each classroom door by the end of the day with details, so be looking for those.

8th grade basketball boys, please come pick up your poster from the office today. 

Students, please check the lost & found in the commons if you are missing any items. Any items left in the lost & found after next Monday are being donated. 

Students, bags and purses must be kept in lockers. You may not have a bag in classrooms.

Positive Affirmation for Today- “Mistakes are proof that you are trying.”