
A Day

Tomorrow, Thursday, January 18th's concession stand workers are:  Autumn Sharp, Nova Shaw, Bella Smith, Jada Hanbaum, Gracie Cleaves, and Brooke Pauley.  Please report to the concession stand at 3:00 and plan to be picked up at 5:30.  If you are not going home after school, you may report to Mrs. Russell's room right after school.

Reminder that the Winter Dance is this Friday, January 19th from 3:00-5:00 in the Commons.  Cost to get into the dance is $5.00.  You may report to the Auditorium right after school  for a place to stay until when the dance starts, if you are not going home right after school and then returning for the dance.  Your $5 will get you into the dance and two tickets will be given to you to exchange for two snack items at the dance.  We will have soda, water, pizza, chips, and candy as snacks.  Signs with details are up around the school as a reminder of the details.

Pep Club meets after school today until 3:30. Brooke Pauley, Isabella Hardesty, Katelynn Wideman, and Ophelia Huether will help with concessions for today's home wrestling match.  Come on out and cheer on your wrestlers.

“Stop wishing and start doing.”